PFP Participates at MFRPA 2024

The PFP Outreach Workgroup participated in the 13th Annual Manufactured Food Regulatory Program Alliance (MFRPA) Meeting held in Little Rock, AR, from February 26-28, 2024. Abe Brown, FDA, presented the PFP Update during the General Session to an audience of...

National Rapid Response Team Meeting

“Response is in our DNA” was the theme for this year’s national Rapid Response Team (RRT) annual conference, held in Columbus, OH from Dec. 5-7, 2023. With 23 funded-RRT states (plus 3 volunteer states) coming together, there were nearly 200 registered attendees who...

Competency Validation

The T&C Workshop is also reviewing and validating the learning competencies for the NCS General Education courses. This training series, consisting of 28 e-learning courses, represents the entry level for the NCS, which is taken by all regulatory professionals....