Information Technology
Information Technology
The goal of Information Technology Workgroup (IT WG) is to provide a collaborative information technology (IT) vision and approach for sustainable, uniform electronic data exchange for national Integrated Food Safety System (IFSS) partners. To achieve this goal, the workgroup has undertaken technical projects advancing abilities to harmonize a compatible IT environment between regulatory partners.
The WG identifies and addresses IT needs across various facets of an IFSS. The WG promotes data standards and develops common data schemes to facilitate secure information exchange among strategic partners to support food safety initiatives. This includes addressing the data sharing requirements, specifically by harmonizing and developing compatible IT environments among regulatory partners. Sharing of information will help to achieve the goal of mutual reliance for a safer food supply.
The PFP IT WG supports the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA) Data Exchange (DX) program and systems; this includes the National Food Safety Data Exchange (System-to-System) and the ORA Partners Portal (ORAPP).
ORA DX Resources
ORA DX program provides additional resources for the regulatory partners to learn about the ORA DX program, systems, and participation.
One Pager
The ORA DX One Pager gives a high-level overview of the ORA DX Program; highlighting data exchange areas, benefits, solutions, and the onboarding process.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
ORA DX FAQs provide a list of frequently asked questions and answers about the ORA DX program and systems. The document is updated with every ORA DX release.
Contact Us
To learn more about the PFP or to participate, Contact PFP.
The IT WG meets bi-monthly, on the 4th Monday of the month. To learn more about the IT WG or to participate, Contact IT WG.
To learn more about the ORA DX or to participate, Contact ORA DX.